/* Example of how to define an environment for given trace file Trace file: http_client Values of previously defined variables (created in file http_client_defines) will be inserted in packets. */ getpac 4 var (original_data, td, "") var (p1, num, 0) pos = td goto ("\r\nAccept") if gotores = 0 { print "file http_client_config: error\n" getch exit 1 } .ddd "" original_data = ddd CLEARHISTORY pos = td .fmethod method .ddd " " .fkurl url .ddd " HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Opera/9.26 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)\r\nHost: " .fhost host .other_data original_data ip.len IPlen tcp.crc TCPcrc setpac 4