Get raw text for this example (you can click any command below to see its doc)
/* Traces TCP packets with destination port = 80 and displays destination IP address for each packet. Doesn't PRINTINCLUDEpackets with destination IP which has been already printed. run program as anettest -d eth0 -f this_file.fws */PARAMETERS: <message>Displays the given message. Use symbol in message to indicate that line feed must be performed.tcp QUIETPARAMETERS: <name of file>Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without INCLUDEbefore it.PARAMETERS: <name of file>Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without INCLUDEbefore it.PARAMETERS: <name of file>Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without include before it.dstport = 80 MESPARAMETERS: no parametersInstructs to not display some annoying messages.PARAMETERS: <string of message>Defines the message which will be displayed the every time on receiving the currently described packet. Substitutions are allowed in the form of $name$. The 'name' may reference to the field's name, variable's name, someone defined by GDEFcommand. In the case of field's name field's value will be retrieved from the content of received packet.PARAMETERS: <new name> <original name>Defines the substitution which will be applied while reading almost any read word from text. <New name> will be replaced by <original name>. This substitution may be also performed in strings enclosed in apostrophes. In this case the name must be enclosed in $ (ex: 'value = $name$')." -> $dstip$\n"NOTDOUBLEMESCYCPARAMETERS: no parametersAvoids displaying of double messages (specified by command MES). It also avoids the receiving of corresponding double packets, i.e. such packets will be ignored and don't cause WAITPARAMETERS: <string of message>Defines the message which will be displayed the every time on receiving the currently described packet. Substitutions are allowed in the form of $name$. The 'name' may reference to the field's name, variable's name, someone defined by GDEFcommand. In the case of field's name field's value will be retrieved from the content of received packet.PARAMETERS: <new name> <original name>Defines the substitution which will be applied while reading almost any read word from text. <New name> will be replaced by <original name>. This substitution may be also performed in strings enclosed in apostrophes. In this case the name must be enclosed in $ (ex: 'value = $name$').command (its analogs) to terminate on them.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.inf WAITPARAMETERS: <number of iterations>Command instructs that next WAITcommand (its analogs) or next block of script will be processed by several times = <number of iterations>. The "inf" value is available which means infinite iterant processing.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTESTand option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).PARAMETERS: no parametersEnables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".and its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPTPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.ANY ANYPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Request specification. The request that the packet must be received. Analog of SEND ACCEPT. It may be processed as command while testing packet filter only (command FASTTEST or option -c). In common regime it may be among parameters to command only.... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Request specification. No requests: the packet may be received or not. Analog of SEND ANY. It may be processed as command while testing packet filter only (command FASTTESTor option -c). In common regime it may be amoung parameters to command only. This special word may also be used as value for field that means exclusion the all conditions with this field from current mask of packet - value of the field may be any.PARAMETERS: no parametersEnables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of DEVICE> {<name of interface>}PARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of DEVICE. New line terminates the list of names.PARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT(WAITALLPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAITcommand. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.command (or using of UNFIXPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.command).PARAMETERS: no parametersBy default after the work of WAIT command (its analogs) the statuses for all waited packets will be fixed, so there may be no packets to wait for the next call to WAIT. This command marks these old packets as newly added. The previous status for them will be lost. Take a note of that ALL old packets will be unfixed, so they will be waited: this may cause unexpected results. Consider the use of CLEARREGcommand.PARAMETERS: no parametersClears the information about all the packets which were added to the waited ones (by WAIT, ADDcommands). They will not be displayed in final report (or in the report that is displayed by SHOWREPPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.command). If this command is typed at the end of script then it omits the displaying of final report (sense there are no packet in it).PARAMETERS: no parametersDisplays a report which is the same as that displayed while program termination.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SENDbut before WAITALLPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTESTand option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).PARAMETERS: no parametersEnables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.PARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAITcommand (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.