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/*   Sends multiple packets changing the address of source     program may be started as   anettest -d eth0 -f this_file.fws  */
PARAMETERS: <name of file>
Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without INCLUDE
PARAMETERS: <name of file>
Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without INCLUDE
PARAMETERS: <name of file>
Starts processing the content of given file. The search of file will be performed in the current directory, all search paths (see option -I). For every path the content of samples, headers, traces folders will be also examined. You can also type just the name of file without include before it.
before it.
before it.
// standart template
PARAMETERS: <the number of generation>
The next generation command (command SEND
PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }
In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".
and option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).
) will generate not one, but several packets.
The use of this command also affects the request for packet: the packet must be accepted the specified number of times.
// generates no one packet, but 1000 packets
The field for which the value will be specified below becomes autoincremented. While generating several packets (command REP
PARAMETERS: <the number of generation>
The next generation command (command SEND
PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }
In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".
and option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).
) will generate not one, but several packets.
The use of this command also affects the request for packet: the packet must be accepted the specified number of times.
) the value of field will be incremented. See "samples/synflood.fws"
// value of field srcip will be incremented for every next packet
// target
dstip srcport 1 INC
The field for which the value will be specified below becomes autoincremented. While generating several packets (command REP
PARAMETERS: <the number of generation>
The next generation command (command SEND) will generate not one, but several packets.
The use of this command also affects the request for packet: the packet must be accepted the specified number of times.
) the value of field will be incremented. See "samples/synflood.fws"
// try to uncomment INC
The field for which the value will be specified below becomes autoincremented. While generating several packets (command REP
PARAMETERS: <the number of generation>
The next generation command (command SEND
PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }
In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".
and option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).
) will generate not one, but several packets.
The use of this command also affects the request for packet: the packet must be accepted the specified number of times.
) the value of field will be incremented. See "samples/synflood.fws"
command hear and dstport will be incremented
dstport 80 SEND
PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }
In common regime generates the packet defined above. In other regimes (testing packet filter, see command FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".
regime for packet filter test. See "samples/FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/FASTTEST
PARAMETERS: no parameters
Enables fasttest regime for packet filter test. See "samples/fasttest".
and option -c) may simply separate packets one from another, so by this command the current content of buffer will be fixed and the new packet will be registered. The requests after command don't make sense in common regime (only while testing packet filter).