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/* Example of how to define an environment for given trace file Trace file: http_client Values of previously defined variables (created in file http_client_defines) will be inserted in packets. */GETPAC4 VARPARAMETERS: <number of packet>Copies the specified packet from trace file to the buffer of current packet.(original_data, td,PARAMETERS: <name of variable> <name of field> <initial value> ("autoset"| ["static"] )Command creates the new variable <name of variable> or reinitializes the old one if some variable of the same name is already exist. The newly created variable will have the same value's type as <name of field>. This command also sets the <initial value> for variable. Variable's value is stored separately from packet's buffer. The "autoset" type of variable indicates that the variable will be initialized by received packet (while using WAITcommand or its analogs), i.e. from received packet will be obtained value of <name of field> and copied to variable. "static" type indicates that variable must not be changed while receiving packet. The "static" keyword may be omitted only if parameters to command are enclosed in round brackets.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.The <name of variable> may appear among parameters to other commands. In this case it will be replaced by its value. Such a replacement will be also performed in strings enclosed in apostrophes. In this case the <name of variable> must be enclosed in $ (ex: 'value of variable = $name$').See "samples/ask_mac.fws", "samples/variables.fws"."") VAR(p1, num, 0) POSPARAMETERS: <name of variable> <name of field> <initial value> ("autoset"| ["static"] )Command creates the new variable <name of variable> or reinitializes the old one if some variable of the same name is already exist. The newly created variable will have the same value's type as <name of field>. This command also sets the <initial value> for variable. Variable's value is stored separately from packet's buffer. The "autoset" type of variable indicates that the variable will be initialized by received packet (while using WAITcommand or its analogs), i.e. from received packet will be obtained value of <name of field> and copied to variable. "static" type indicates that variable must not be changed while receiving packet. The "static" keyword may be omitted only if parameters to command are enclosed in round brackets.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in DEFAULTS(command DEFAULT). For TCP DEVICEPARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any | REVERS}PARAMETERS: not commandRequest specification. May only be given in parameters for DEFAULT command. Instructs to reverse the request for every packet.Defines default requests for packets. These requests will be applied when there are not enough explicitly defined requests for some packet (specified as parameters to command SEND, WAITand its analogs). Initially default requests are ACCEPT ANY ANY... i.e. a single request for the first interface specified via option -d.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDPARAMETERS: <type of device> {<name of interface>}Reopens interfaces. The type of device: eth, ip, tcp. The name of device is the same as for -d option, depends on the type of device. New line terminates the list of names.command). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAITcommand.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Analog of WAIT command. Adds the above packet to the set of packets which will be waited by command WAIT or its analogs. This command does not start actual waiting (doesn't suspend script execution). Nevertheless, just after adding the packet may be registered as received. If some packet is registered as received before the call to WAIT (WAITALL) then the command will ignore it and wait for a next packet (see also SENDWAITOTHERPARAMETERS: no parametersThe analog of WAIT command. Doesn't add the previously defined packet to the list of waited ones. Starts waiting simply. Packets may be already added by ADDcommand (or using of UNFIX command).PARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.).PARAMETERS: no parametersWorks similar to "SEND WAITALL" sentence. Purpose: make atomic operation. Without this command there would be a chance that a waited packet did not cause command WAITALL stop waiting if it was accepted after SEND but before WAITALL started waiting. However it would be registered as received in any case. This command should be always used when you need to send a request and RELIABLY receive a response on it never missing.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAITcommand (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.PARAMETERS: {accept | drop | any }Waits for packet whose mask is defined above. The command will finish work when such packet is received on waitable interface. The waitable interface is interface for which strict request (accept or drop) have been specified in parameters to command or in defaults (command DEFAULT). For TCP device the command will only wait data on the main interface. In the general case command may wait no one but several packets (added by ADDcommand). If any of them is received then command terminates. Command waits packets until timeout expires (command TIMEOUTPARAMETERS:Alias of TOWAIT command.). See "samples/waiting_packets.fws".PARAMETERS: <interval in milliseconds>Defines the timeout for WAIT command (and its analogs), also for imitation of application's work. Null value means infinite timeout (such timeout will not be applied for imitation of application's work). In the case of negative value its absolute value will be obtained as timeout, but WAIT command (its analogs) will work differently: it will always wait for the whole timeout (not terminating on first received packet). So several packets may be registered as received. This command also defines the timeout for TCP server while waiting for connections.The <name of variable> may appear among parameters to other commands. In this case it will be replaced by its value. Such a replacement will be also performed in strings enclosed in apostrophes. In this case the <name of variable> must be enclosed in $ (ex: 'value of variable = $name$').See "samples/ask_mac.fws", "samples/variables.fws".= td GOTOPARAMETERS: <new position> | <field's name>Sets the <new position> of byte pointer. In the case of <field's name> new position will be equal to field's position.(PARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTOor GOTOBPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTOor GOTOBPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTO or GOTOB command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.PARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Is similar to GOTO command but performs back search.command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.PARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Is similar to GOTOcommand but performs BACKPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTO or GOTOB command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful <number of bytes>Reduces the pointer for the given <number of bytes>."\r\nAccept") IFGOTORESPARAMETERS: <value1> <type of compare> <value2> "{" <first block of script> "}" [ "else" "{" <second block of script> "}" ]Processes the first block of script if condition is met, otherwise processes the second block if it is specified. <Types of compare>: = (==), !=, >, <, >=, <=. Hexadecimals number are treated as strings (with 0x prefix). If you have problems try to watch how these values are represented by string using PRINTcommand for example.PARAMETERS: <message>Displays the given message. Use symbol in message to indicate that line feed must be performed.= 0 { PRINTPARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTOor GOTOBPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTOor GOTOBPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTO or GOTOB command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.PARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Is similar to GOTO command but performs back search.command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful search.PARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Is similar to GOTOcommand but performs BACKPARAMETERS: <value of any type> [<stop position>]Performs the search of the given value in current packet. The search will be started from the current position of byte pointer. Value may has any type. The result of search is available through GOTORESkeyword. In the case of successful search the byte pointer will be moved to the found entry. Stop position may be equal to -1. It means search to the end of packet. Stop position may be omitted but in this case parameters must be enclosed in brackets.PARAMETERS: no commandThis is a special value which allows to get the result of last search performed by GOTO or GOTOB command. 1 - successful search, 0 - not successful <number of bytes>Reduces the pointer for the given <number of bytes>.PARAMETERS: <message>Displays the given message. Use symbol in message to indicate that line feed must be performed."file http_client_config: error\n"GETCHEXITPARAMETERS: no parametersWaits for press <Enter>1 } .dddPARAMETERS: <status>Terminates the execution. The status may be some decimal number. Value 0 is reserved for successful test, 1 - fatal error, 2 - not successful test, 3 - error while TCP connecting or listening (timeout expires).""original_data = ddd CLEARHISTORYPOSPARAMETERS: no parametersClears info about the maximum size of previous packets. New packet may be smaller than previous ones. This command also makes all auto-calculated values inactive.= td .fmethod method .dddPARAMETERS: <new position> | <field's name>Sets the <new position> of byte pointer. In the case of <field's name> new position will be equal to field's position." ".fkurl url .ddd" HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Opera/9.26 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)\r\nHost: ".fhost host .other_data original_data ip.len IPlen tcp.crc TCPcrc SETPAC4PARAMETERS: <number of packet>Replaces the specified packet in trace file by the current packet.